About the program
Teaching courses
Tailored programs
International collaboration
About the author

Main page / About the program
About the program

Dynamic Entrepreneurship is a training and advisory program I launched after the 14-year fascinating experience with my own business. It is aimed at supporting young educated people in starting their own dynamic and innovative business ventures.

The Program’s prime objective is to train students to launch business ventures grounded on the knowledge and experience acquired during the course of studies. In a broader respect the idea underlying the Program is to promote ambitious, dynamic entrepreneurship as a potential career path for university graduates.

The key component of the program is the modern textbook and handbook entitled Dynamic Entrepreneurship. How to start your own business published by Wydawnictwa Akademickie i Profesjonalne in August 2006.

The educational and advisory vortal available at www.cieslik.edu.pl was developed with those in mind who undertake to set up their own business as well as those wishing to enhance their practical knowledge in this area. The website dedicated to the textbook is an integral part of the vortal and is available at www.nowybiznes.edu.pl. The service features supplementary resources and examples, detailed scenarios to various issues and numerous electronic tools and formats permitting a step-by-step development of the subsequent stages of setting up of a new business. A separate section of the textbook’s dedicated website is addressed to course instructors. Apart from additional assignments and teaching tips the site features technical tools elaborated to streamline the running of Teaching Programs with the help of this electronic platform. The website will serve as a perfect common platform for all those instructors willing to share experiences linked with teaching and supporting ambitious and dynamic entrepreneurship.

The website generates promising opportunities for the development of Tailored Programs participated by students from various academic centres as it triggers networking and sharing of ideas and hence, provides excellent grounds for the establishment of cooperation among young people with varied academic backgrounds. Such initiatives are exemplified by the following projects underway:

The Program is conducted as part of the Integrated Regional Operational Program (ZPORR), Activity 2.5. Promoting Entrepreneurship, financed with means from the European Structural Fund (EFS) and State Budget. Implementation stage: January 2006 – April 2007. The Program's core objective is to train 120 students of higher education schools in the Mazowieckie Voivodship and provide them with advisory assistance in the course of developing and launching their own business.

The Leon Koźmiński Academy of Entrepreneurship and Management is executing a programme as part of a project headed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education entitled “Support of Innovative Academic Entrepreneurship” which encompasses provision of comprehensive assistance to instructors who run or intend to run courses for students on the subject of innovative entrepreneurship. The first phase which is underway encompasses 20 entrepreneurship lecturers mostly from technical universities.

This Program is being organized by the Foundation for  Polish Science (FNP). Its objective is to assist young scientists at the implementation and commercialization stage by providing training and consulting services. It involved 30 young scientist which underwent intensive training and will obtain financial support from FNP.

For the brief outline of the Dynamic Entrepreneurship Program see attached presentation.

Dynamic Entrepreneurship
Prezentacja PowerPoint
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Brief outline of the Dynamic Entrepreneurship
Program presented at the IntEnt Conference,
Gdansk, 9-11 July 2007